Thursday, April 30, 2020

Week 3;

Among the Judicial branch of government is the Supreme Court; accounting for all cases deconstructing and construing our 200 year old constitution, and as the name "supreme" implies, the Supreme Court's word is absolute. The people who are appointed by the president to serve on the Supreme Court, are known as Justices; unlike the president, justices serve many more years, averaging 16 years in the least. These 9 justices gather to highlight and set the limitations of government reign: in other words, they are the states', congress', and the president's boss.

Week 14 Privacy

Id like to start this blog post with a Vsauce video I watched on "How People Disappear" He begins the episode with a story about an angry dad storming into target because his high school daughter was receiving coupons in the mail for things like diapers and baby cribs. Turns out, targets purchase algorithm has been tracking his daughter's most recent purchases which co-aligned with a woman who is pregnant. In fact, his daughter was in fact pregnant and was due that coming August. It is creepy knowing that the world around us has a much more closer eye on us than we anticipate. Christopher Soghoian talks about how Apple has taken steps towards encryption technology so we can be more and more safe against foreign agencies with ill intention blob: It has become the norm for tech companies to include default encryption ware within their products. Well not only does this encryption conceal our information to those with ill intent, but it hides information from our Government. He makes a point that there are bad people in this world, and that these bad people are using the same cell phones and computers everyone else is using. But he proposes a question: should we encourage "Big Brother" for the sake of our own safety, or do we do we take the democratic approach and create space from the government and escape with our own privacy at the cost of endangerment. In an ideal world or community, we would chose the latter safer option to opt out of endangerment. But realistically speaking, we are better off encrypted. Information is king: although it can be useful, it can also be just as harmful to us and others simply through wiretapping. My personal stance is that I want my privacy.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Values Week 11

I suppose individual self-fulfillment would be the the value I, for lack of a better term, value the most.  It is important to me, not only as a human being, or a citizen of the United States, but as a content creator; it is critical to be able to express myself to others through artistic media. For instance, I created a music video for one of my favorite songs and uploaded it to youtube. Now it may not be the best video, or even a good one, but it makes me incredibly happy to be able to have the option of doing this (of course I gave credit where it was due). That is why I have so much respect for content creators on youtube. So many unique voices and so many different subjects, topics, points of view, or even sides of stories are expressed upon in such an accessible medium. While I do not condone those who chose the latter option of copying others work, I acknowledge those among the community who pour their time and creativity in creating a video to share with the world; It serves an example that the ability to express yourself is not out of reach. After all, we are a social creature; we should be obligated to speak and express one-selves to further our connection, our commitments, our knowledge, and our voices.

This has always been a personal dream of mine, and I am so happy to be able to actually pursue it. I grew up watching movies and television and always thought to myself, "I'd love to do something along the lines of this." Not exactly that, but it had the same gist, with a little more of the line, "I wanna do this to become rich and famous." Thankfully I had a little slice of humble pie since then, but that same dream always lingered. As a freshman, I began with the idea of becoming a nurse. Quickly, I changed majors and found media production: which has been all that I ever wanted and even more! This is my youtube. I have on it a PSA ad I did for TedX Charlottesville, my music video which is a tribute to Radiohead, and a faux professional interview I made on my friend Ryan Foster.