Monday, May 4, 2020

Week 12

Snapchat originated from Standford grad students with "not-so-PC intentions." It was originally conceived and launched during April of 2011, to December 2012. From December 2012, to November 2014, Snapchat evolved and began growing in popularity, featuring some of the attributes that we know and see today, alongside collecting millions of revenue. From then on, to August 2016, began to rebrand their product, receiving more and more money breaking the hundred millions. Finally, 2016 onward to today, Snapchat rebranded once again from Snapchat Inc. to Snap Inc. and prepares for IPO in 2017.

Why did snapchat boom so much? Well snapchat was conceived in such a time where Facebook took the initiative. Teens were looking for an outlet, different than what their parents were using, which resulted in migrating to snapchats unique "disappearing photos." Now originally, snapchat was intended as a hookup app, but soon migrated to a form of social media widespread and popular for teens all over the world.

Downsides of the app are due to pornographic material and bullying fairly common. It isnt all that regulated as sexually promoting content flourishes throughout the app, and there is a huge issue with child sexual exploitation...

On a brighter note ---

Some interesting facts: 90% of users are 13 - 24 years old (US). Average monthly users 360 million (US). 64 million users within Europe use snapchat daily. Ireland, Saudi Arabia, and Sweden have the highest level of snapchat users of their population 16 and up.

(Last updated January 25th, 2020)

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