Sunday, May 3, 2020

Week 13

I think I have a fairly large online footprint. I don't have a personal website, and I don't use social media a whole ton, but I do have my own youtube and a professional instagram page where I post my latest work; off topic, but I just took a few photos for a local wine guild which I am totally excited about. But back to the topic of social media, I don't really post often, unless it is a big change in my life. Looking back at my last post from my personal profile, I took a picture of a steak--which I know contradicts what I just said about a big change, but that steak was so damn good I had to post it lol. Regardless, the one before that was my brothers graduation, which was last summer. I am not the type to share too much about myself, but from what you can gather from me just by social media, you can probably find a lot about me. I mean you probably wont discover my favorite food, or what I like to do on my weekends off, but general information like what school I go to, what I am studying, my hobbies etc. I usually only give out private information in a business setting, or when I am shopping for personal items, which isn't a lot -- Im livin' the broke college student life!

Personally I think social media is an outlet to express inner psychological needs that aren't being met socially, like there is always an ulterior motive. For instance, someone posts them and their friends hanging out.

So I say yes and no. It depends on the individual, whether or not social media makes you feel lonely. Personally, I only use social media to commemorate moments I wish to treasure or share, to let people know what I am up to and that I am well. But a lot of the time, I would rather save an occasion to tell people about it in real life rather than on a story timeline. I want to leave some mystery about where I was over the weekend, what concert I went to, or who I was with. I think social media isnt making people feel depressed, I think its making people boring.

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