Monday, May 4, 2020

Week 16

Everybody knows when they download a new app, you have to check off the little box that says you a have agreed and read the terms of service. In addition, everyone knows only those who are either clinically insane, or a lawyer, read those before continuing onto the app. But I found an interesting article on how long those articles actually take to read.
Ideally, in a perfect world, everyone would have the time to read these "fascinating" titles. With leading social media outlet, facebook, having a total word count of 4132, and an average read time of 17:12, could keep you occupied as you, for instance, go to the bathroom! If facebook is a little too "old people'ly" for you, then there is always spotify's 35 minutes and 48 seconds of pure entertainment; it could keep you busy a whole afternoon. This isn't to mention, if you're looking to spice up your life a little bit and find that mystery mistress for you, tinder has a 25 minute and 54 seconds average read time which could help calm those nerves as you wait for your date. Something a little more relevant than that rendevous date would be a zoom date with a 7240 word count. Essentially, 10 of these makes up one of the Harry Potter books, so you're looking at entertainment for hours!

In reality, these are important terms of agreement between the provider and the person using. But there is good news here, it is not a crime to breach the terms and services of an online website (this doesn't apply to breach of contract, don't do this at your job). So go ahead, get banned from tinder. Live on the edge of Instagram, and find a way around facebook's TOS because you are only semi accountable!!!

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